
Pot content 7 litre
Marketing concept Kratiste support pole
Care: Location beware of full sun
Care: Watering moderate water once a week
Care: Temperature max 25 °C, min 15 °C
Care: Consumption not suitable for consumption
Main color1 leaf dark green
Other supplierinformation GlobalGAP and GRASP
Certificates MPS-GAP MPS-GAP
Certificates GRASP GRASP
Pot size 24 cm
Minimum plant height including pot 120 cm
Min number of cuttings/plants per pot 9
Thickness 1
Transport height 130 cm
Plant shape moss stick
Cultivation method intermittent irrigation
Cultivation medium 100% peat free
Country of origin Netherlands
Quality group A1

Packing configurations

DC 800 - Supply without tray 1×15×1
SW 800 - Supply without tray 25×1×1


Standplaats Binnen
Waterbehoefte Middelmatig water